CarelineSOS the fifth emergency service
13th November 2019
Categories: Latest News
If you or a loved one is suffering from a long term health condition, such as Epilepsy, M.E, dementia or heart disease – Then CarelineSOS personal alarms may provide you with the extra support and assistance you need.
If you are a carer and need the extra reassurance when you pop out that help would be there if it was needed, the CarelineSOS personal alarms may be the answer. Worn around the neck or wrist, if the alarm was raised the necessary help would be sent for.
The affordable price plans start from £13.99 a month, no hidden fees and you can cancel at any time, all we need is one months notice. Our service can help if the worst was to happen and provide the necessary help when it is needed.
We are often called the fifth emergency service and we’re not ashamed to admit we quite like it.
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