It’s a rather blustery day – or week! - Careline SOS

It’s a rather blustery day – or week!

13th February 2020

Categories:  Latest News

The recent weather can only be described as wild and another storm is expected this weekend!  The inclement weather can prevent you from venturing outside, with train delays and road closures making it difficult to visit your loved ones and relatives who rely on you for care and support.


CarelineSOS personal alarms and pendants provide the reassurance that, if help were needed in an emergency situation, it could be called for.

If you, or a loved one, is in need of extra care or support and would like to use one of these services, please get in touch with us.  We are a friendly bunch and can offer a wide range of services including personal alarms, fall detectors, smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms. Please call us today on 0800 833162 to find out more.

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